Category: leadership

Category: leadership

MCG Presentation Coaching Helped Mentees win $15,000

In September 2024, I served as a Bridge for Billions mentor for the Boeing Employees’ Credit Union cohort. I hosted two sessions for participants to prepare them for their pitch competition at the end of the month. Each session provided general information about the content and timing of their slides as well as ways to […]

How Will You Celebrate Blak History Month 2025?

The new administration in the United States has announced that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts will be halted. While the new guidance about DEI is specific to the feds, several non-federal entities are preemptively removing DEI initiatives. Target has canceled their DEI initiatives, Costco has not. If you’ve worked with me in the past, you […]

Change is Coming

Hello, and welcome to 2025! January is shaping up to be a very busy start to the year. In years past, January has been a more relaxed pace, like a bear waking from hibernation, taking a deep long stretch, and wandering around, taking in its surroundings. January 2025 is different. Based on what my clients […]

Breaking Free of the Status Quo with MPI

Last month, I had the privilege to speak before Meeting Professionals International – Rocky Mountain Chapter (MPI). I was introduced to MPI through a series of very happy coincidences and I’m so glad I know the value they bring. These are the folks who make events happen. From conferences to expos, they help you choose […]

Start the Thing that Scares You

During spooky season, we talk about our fears. One thing that scares all of us is starting something new. I invite you to start something that scares you this October. It’s fun to plan, to brainstorm, to dream. The fear creeps in when you have to do the things you’ve planned and dreamed. I’m often […]

Don’t Strand Your Team on a Mountain – Literally!

You’d think the title of this newsletter would be a no-brainer. But one man found himself stranded overnight on a Colorado mountain after his co-workers made the descent without him, leaving him behind! Readers, there are much better ways for a leader to deal with a team member who isn’t performing to team standards. Let’s […]

In Latin America, Business Starts with Making Friends

In Latin America, business relationships start with making friends. I met the Asociación de Pymes, Microempresas y Emprendimientos (APPCE – Colombia)  and the APPCE President, Edgar Felipe Arcila on my Trade Mission to Colombia in March. APPCE helps Colombian micro and small business entrepreneurs scale their online businesses. In this interview, we deepen our friendship […]

Mid-Year Check-In

Congratulations! We have made it to the middle of the year. June is a great time to take inventory of your year thus far and start to make plans for the remainder of the year and beyond. Here are some tasks you should consider as we head into the second half of the year: Budget […]

MCG’s Trade Mission to Panamá & Colombia

Last month, McCord Consulting Group was one of 64 companies invited, as an export-ready company, to participate in the U.S. Commercial Service Trade Mission to Panamá, Costa Rica, and Colombia. MCG met with companies in both Panamá and Colombia that were ready to do business with McCord Consulting Group. This was a career-changing experience where […]

Establishing Team Cohesiveness

As we close out the first quarter of 2024, I am seeing a lot of teams focus on their abilities to work together and strategize as we get deeper into the year. Many teams are setting short-term goals that will help them realize successes as we race to the middle of the year. Here are […]

¡Soy Una Oradora Internacional!

Last month, I participated in my first international speaking engagement. I was invited by Sistas in Panamá to be the keynote speaker for their 4th annual women’s retreat in Panamá City, Panamá. The theme, ‘I Am My Sista’s Keeper’ focused on deepening friendships and relationships among Black women. As the opening speaker, I set the […]

I Spoke A Lot Last Month

Last month was busy! I spoke before three different audiences, even speaking twice in one day! I began the month speaking at the Rocky Mountain Young Professionals Summit. The theme was Connection From the Inside Out. As the keynote speaker, I spoke to attendees about breaking the status quo to better connect to your true […]

Hitting a Home Run in Foreign Business Expansion

Last month, I got to meet some of the foreign companies who visited Denver with the Denver Global Landing Pad to learn about ways in which they could expand their businesses to the area. What I heard over and over again was that people in Denver were not only willing to have conversations with these […]

Speaking at #BetterTogetherFest2023

Last month, I spoke at the inaugural #BetterTogetherFest. The purpose of this event is to help women grow their businesses through authentic conversations. Sponsored by @campexperince, @thepledgettes, and, the one day event was filled with both speakers and activities ranging from financial stability to combating imposter syndrome. I spoke to the group about breaking […]

MCG Featured in Panama Cyberspace News

McCord Consulting Group was featured in the February 2023 issue of Panamá Cyberspace News. In the issue, I talk about how I embodied the tenets of courage, confidence, and fearlessness as I expanded my business to Panamá. Read the feature by clicking the picture below. For more information about hosting a keynote with your team, […]

How I Expanded My Business to Panamá

I was excited that my Panamanian attorney, Giovanna Bernal, was interested in interviewing me for her YouTube Channel. She wanted me to tell her viewers about my journey to expand my business Panamá. Click the picture below to watch the full interview. Don’t have 20 minutes to devote to the full video? Don’t worry! You […]

Celebrating 10 Years of McCord Consulting Group

McCord Consulting Group turns 10 years old this month! Thank you for being a former client, thank you for being a future client, and thank you for your support through the years. As McCord Consulting Group expands into Panamá and McCord Speaks continues to grow, I wanted to give you this little video treat to […]

McCord Consulting Group Expands with McCord Speaks

I am excited to introduce you to McCord Speaks, a new offering from McCord Consulting Group. McCord Speaks allows me to talk to audiences and encourage them to break free of the status quo to advance to their next level of development.  McCord Speaks launched in September 2022 and the response has been fantastic. Here […]

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