Category: colorado

Category: colorado

Sundance is Changing Locations. Is Your Organization Ready for the Move?

Sundance is coming to the City of Boulder! Last month, it was announced that this world-famous film festival will be moving from Park City, Utah to Boulder, Colorado, the headquarters of McCord Consulting Group in the United States. The city is abuzz with excitement for the artistic, cultural,  and economic opportunities that Sundance will bring […]

Breaking Free of the Status Quo with MPI

Last month, I had the privilege to speak before Meeting Professionals International – Rocky Mountain Chapter (MPI). I was introduced to MPI through a series of very happy coincidences and I’m so glad I know the value they bring. These are the folks who make events happen. From conferences to expos, they help you choose […]

I Spoke A Lot Last Month

Last month was busy! I spoke before three different audiences, even speaking twice in one day! I began the month speaking at the Rocky Mountain Young Professionals Summit. The theme was Connection From the Inside Out. As the keynote speaker, I spoke to attendees about breaking the status quo to better connect to your true […]

Hitting a Home Run in Foreign Business Expansion

Last month, I got to meet some of the foreign companies who visited Denver with the Denver Global Landing Pad to learn about ways in which they could expand their businesses to the area. What I heard over and over again was that people in Denver were not only willing to have conversations with these […]

Celebrating 10 Years of McCord Consulting Group

McCord Consulting Group turns 10 years old this month! Thank you for being a former client, thank you for being a future client, and thank you for your support through the years. As McCord Consulting Group expands into Panamá and McCord Speaks continues to grow, I wanted to give you this little video treat to […]

Diversify Your HOA Board

It’s important for diversity and inclusion to exist in all types of boards – including your community’s Home Owners Association board. I put together a short video for the Colorado Association of Realtors explaining how to diversify your HOA board. Take a look! For more information on board governance and board diversity, follow along on […]

Get on Board – Diversify Your Tech Board

Join us for a discussion about the value of diversity, how a diverse board can actually increase your bottom line, and easy ways to incorporate diversity on your tech board. This session is useful for: ★ Current board directors who want to diversify their board ★ Those who want to learn more about serving on […]

YWCA Cabaret Gala – We Gonna Be Alright

I am so excited for the Cabaret Gala tomorrow night! I am delighted that I am being honored as a 2016 YWCA Community Champion. I am also excited to be grouped with Peter Braun, Sharon Caulfield, and State Senator Rollie Heath. This week, I reflected on what it means to me as a black woman to […]

YWCA Cabaret Gala – Why my job is awesome

  Only two more days until the big event hosted by the  YWCA of Boulder County. If you haven’t purchased your ticket to the Cabaret Gala, do so soon! This week, I am using my platform to reflect on what it means to be a black woman striving to uphold the tenants of the YWCA of […]

YWCA Cabaret Gala – What is the Gender Wage Gap?

It’s hump day! We’re half way through the week! That means it’s almost time for my honor from the  YWCA of Boulder County. This week, I am using my platform to reflect on what it means to be a black woman striving to uphold the tenants of the YWCA of eliminating racism and empowering women. Today, […]

YWCA Cabaret Gala – Why I think women ROCK!

This weekend, I will be honored by the YWCA of Boulder County next to some pretty remarkable people. This week, I am using my platform to reflect on what it means to be a black woman striving to uphold the tenants of the YWCA of eliminating racism and empowering women. Today, I will answer a […]

Congrats to the YWCA Cabaret Honorees!

McCord Consulting Group would like to extend congratulations to Nikki McCord’s fellow YWCA Honorees. MCG encourages you to support the YWCA of Boulder County and purchase a ticket! Saturday, February 27, 2016 6 pm  – 10 pm Glenn Miller Ballroom, Boulder, CO $100 per person The YWCA of Boulder County invites you to a night […]


Last weekend, MCG was able to sponsor a great event called Hack4CO. In celebration of the National Civic Day of Hacking, developers, designers, nerds, geeks, and wannabes like the MCG staff get together for the weekend and develop applications that benefit the common good. This year, we had pitches from non-profits like Big Brothers Big […]

Equal Pay for Equal Work

  April 8 was Equal Pay Day at the State Capitol. 9 to 5 Colorado and the Women’s Foundation highlighted the gap in pay among women and people of color. Currently, women earn $0.77 for every dollar made by a man. It’s important to bring awareness to the issue. But, what can you do to […]

Opening Day

I’ve never been to an opening day of baseball, but I do enjoy going to baseball games. There’s nothing like sitting in the summer sun, having a cold beverage, and cheering for the home team. Opening day marks a new beginning and a fresh start. I like that opening day happens in the spring when […]

Who Do You Love?

Valentine’s Day, Stout Month, and Black History Month! How do you connect these wonderful things that happen in February? Well, MCG, being a true Colorado company, loves (Valentine’s Day Reference) craft beer. Mountain Sun Brewery, a great local pub, celebrates Stout Month every February and we love to grab a pint and participate. But, how […]

Black History Month – Historic 5

February is Black History Month! The Colorado political scene is currently experiencing a black ‘first’ in the state legislature. But, before we take a look at the present, let’s take a moment to look at the past. 1895 – Joseph H. Stuart was the first African American to hold office in Colorado. He was elected […]

Celebrating MLK Day

This week MCG joined the rest of the country celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What struck me during my day of reflection is that one person, partnered with like-minded individuals, was able to change the course of history. It’s quite ambitious to think that any one person has the […]


It’s fun to see the City of Denver United in Orange for this weekend’s AFC Championship game. Everyone in the city is on the same page and rooting for the same team. McCord Consulting Group was excited to be a part of the FearLess Revolution this week with Alex and Ana Bogusky. During their talk […]

And…They’re Off!

With the first day of session and the Governor’s State of the State Address behind us, the 69th Colorado General Assembly is officially underway. This year, legislators have indicated they will be focusing on issues related to our devastating fire and flood natural disasters, education, rural communities, and a revisit of the contentious gun reform. […]

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